Professional GPA
All MAE students are required to take ED 601G: Measurement and Assessment, which focuses on all aspects of this aspect. In addition, they apply what they have learned in this course to their clinical experience in their internship as this course is required prior to that experience. In addition, data used to inform practice is the cornerstone of the MAE research that is conducted in either ED 632G or ED 681G depending on students’ MAE program. In Clayton, students are expected to share their research with the faculty to make changes to their programs as appropriate.
Successful performance on the MEES demonstrates that candidates can appropriately assess of and for student learning and use that to inform their practice. All Truman MAE completers have successfully not only passed the MEES assessment but the mean scores for every standard have consistently far exceeded both the minimum and higher target scores. Truman intern candidates’ scores on Standard 7 of the MEES assessment, which assesses intern candidates’ formative and summative assessment strategies and uses that assessment data to plan and inform practice, offers additional evidence that our completers understand and can implement assessments of and for student learning.
First-Year Teacher Survey Questionnaire (FYTSQ)
Three items on the FYTSQ in the category of Student Assessment and Data Analysis offer compelling support for the claim that Truman completers are able to effectively use assessment of and for student learning. Ninety-five percent of 2020-2021 completers agreed (40%) or strongly agreed (55%) that they were prepared to develop assessments to evaluate learning and 92% agreed (38%) or strongly agreed (54%) that they were prepared to use assessments to evaluate learning. The overwhelming majority of 2020-2021 completers were prepared to analyze assessment data to improve instruction, with 85% either agreeing (38%) or strongly agreeing (47%) that they were prepared. (Please consult the summary document of the last six years of data from this questionnaire for additional evidence of support from prior years.)
Principal of First-Year Teachers Survey Questionnaire
Three parallel items on the principal’s questionnaire in the category of Student Assessment and Data Analysis offer further support for the claim that Truman completers are able to effectively use assessment of and for student learning. Eighty-two percent of the principals of 2020-2021 completers who responded to the survey agreed (50%) or strongly agreed (32%) that they were prepared to develop assessments to evaluate learning and 89% agreed (49%) or strongly agreed (40%) that they were prepared to use assessments to evaluate learning. Further, 77% of principals of 2020-2021 completers agreed (46%) or strongly agreed (31%) that completers were prepared to analyze assessment data to improve instruction. (Please consult the summary document of the last six years of data from this questionnaire for additional evidence of support from prior years.)
MAE Completer Survey
Completers from 2018-2019 reported that they were 100% very prepared or prepared to use formative assessment data to make informed instructional decisions. Eighty-eight percent were very prepared according to the 2017-2018 completers. When examining summative data, 92% of completers from 2018-2019 felt very prepared/prepared and 75% from 2017-2018.